
Camp Tamaracouta

Camping in the middle of the forest in a cabin about the size of a mobile home does not particularly sound appealing, especially not when the weather is nearly freezing. But of course, Utopia had a different perspective. Alhamdulillah, our trip to Camp Tamaracouta was filled with laughter, pure joy,

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Merrowvista – A Look Back

As a new assistant mentor and gratified member of the growing passionate family of the Utopia Boston organization, I was very grateful to have the opportunity to go on my very first camping trip with everyone. Though I was undoubtedly excited about the trip, I was also a little nervous

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The Experience of a Lifetime

Utopia’s fall retreat to Camp Becket at Berkshires served as a truly beautiful experience for both children and mentors and was the perfect way to start the semester. From gathering around a campfire, to canoeing on a lake, and gazing at the stars, the camp was filled with many memorable

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